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Food For thought

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Food 12

This is 88.9 KUCI in Irvine!
Anything said on this show in no way reflects the views of the University of California Irvine or the UC regents.
Hi listeners, welcome to food for thought on 88.9 KUCI in Irvine this also happens to be the last show of the summer since next week all of us UC Irvine students go back to school to start the new year.  For some it will be a sad moment but if you look on the funny side it will be like a vacation from the vacation haha.  Oh also Yom Kippur starts today at sundown today for those of you that don’t know what it is it’s practically the Jewish day for Atonement. Okay on to the stuff for today
First off there’s a lobster fest in LA this weekend. It’s been a So. Cal tradition since 1999.  It started today and will finish off on Sunday. It’s only $18 for a fresh steamed Maine Lobster meal and they supposedly never run out of lobster because it’s shipped in from Maine daily during the festival so if you are a fan of lobsters then it might be a cool thing to find yourself in San Pedro this weekend and for more info the website is
The Truth About 12 Health Myths
You Shouldn’t Cut Off the Bread’s Crust. It’s Full of Vitamins.

The truth is: In a 2002 German study, researchers found that the baking process produces a novel type of cancer-fighting antioxidant in bread that is eight times more abundant in the crust than in the crumb. That said, it’s more important to serve whole-wheat bread, with or without the crust, because it’s all around higher in nutrients, such as fiber, says New York City nutritionist Keri Glassman, author of The O2 Diet. Make sure the ingredients list “100% whole-wheat flour.” Breads simply labeled “wheat” are usually made with a mixture of enriched white flour and whole-wheat flour and have less fiber.

If You Go Out With Wet Hair, You’ll Catch a Cold.

The truth is: You will feel cold but will be just fine healthwise, says Jim Sears, a board-certified pediatrician in San Clemente, California, and a cohost of the daytime-TV show The Doctors. He cites a study done at the Common Cold Research Unit, in Salisbury, England, in which a group of volunteers was inoculated with a cold virus up their noses. Half the group stayed in a warm room while the rest took a bath and stood dripping wet in a hallway for half an hour, then got dressed but wore wet socks for a few more hours. The wet group didn’t catch any more colds than the dry. Sears’s conclusion: “Feeling cold doesn’t affect your immune system.”

If You Cross Your Eyes, They’ll Stay That Way.

The truth is: “There’s no harm in voluntary eye crossing,” says W. Walker Motley, an assistant professor of ophthalmology at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine. But if you notice your child doing this a lot (when he’s not mimicking a cartoon character), he might have other vision problems.

You Should Feed a Cold and Starve a Fever.

The truth is: In both cases, eat and drink, then drink some more. “Staying hydrated is the most important thing to do, because you lose a lot of fluids when you’re ill,” says Sears, who adds that there’s no need for special beverages containing electrolytes (like Gatorade) unless you’re severely dehydrated from vomiting or diarrhea.

Gum Stays in Your Stomach for Seven Years.

The truth is: Your Little Leaguer’s wad of Big League Chew won’t (literally) stick around until high school graduation. “As with most nonfood objects that kids swallow, fluids carry gum through the intestinal tract, and within days it passes,” says David Pollack, a senior physician in the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Care Network. And even though gum isn’t easily broken down in the digestive system, it probably won’t cause a stomachache, either.

An Apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away.

The truth is: A handful of blueberries a day will keep the doctor away more effectively. Blueberries are a nutritional jackpot, rich in antioxidants and fiber, and they’re also easy to toss into cereal and yogurt. That said, eating a variety of fruits and vegetables is important to prevent many chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes, down the road. (To find out how much earth-grown goodness your child should be getting, a website to look at is, you can enter his or her age, gender, and level of physical activity and it’ll tell you.)

You Lose 75 Percent of Your Body Heat Through Your Head.

The truth is: “This adage was probably based on an infant’s head size, which is a much greater percentage of the total body than an adult head,” says Pollack. That’s why it’s important to make sure an infant’s head remains covered in cold weather. (This also explains those ubiquitous newborn caps at the hospital.) But for an adult, the figure is more like 10 percent. And keep in mind that heat escapes from any exposed area (feet, arms, hands), so putting on a hat is no more important than slipping on gloves.

To Get Rid of Hiccups, Have Someone Startle You.

The truth is: Most home remedies, like holding your breath or drinking from a glass of water backward, haven’t been medically proven to be effective, says Pollack. However, you can try this trick dating back to 1971, when it was published in The New England Journal of Medicine: Swallow one teaspoon of white granulated sugar. According to the study, this tactic resulted in the cessation of hiccups in 19 out of 20 afflicted patients. Sweet.
Eating Fish Makes You Smart.

The truth is: For kids up to age three or four, this is indeed the case. Fish, especially oily ones, such as salmon, are packed with omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). “DHA is particularly beneficial in the first two years of life for brain development, cognition, and visual acuity,” says Beverly Hills pediatrician Scott W. Cohen. And a 2008 study in Clinical Pediatrics showed an increase in vocabulary and comprehension for four-year-olds who were given daily DHA supplements. Omega-3 options for the fish-phobic? Try avocados, walnuts, and canola oil.

You Shouldn’t Swim for an Hour After Eating.

The truth is: Splash away. “After you eat, more blood flows to the digestive system and away from the muscles,” says Cohen. “The thinking was that if you exercised strenuously right after eating, that lack of blood would cause you to cramp up and drown.” But that won’t happen. Sears concurs: “You might have less energy to swim vigorously, but it shouldn’t inhibit your ability to tread water or play.”

Every Child Needs a Daily Multivitamin.

The truth is: Children who are solely breast-fed during their first year should be given a vitamin D supplement. After that, a multivitamin won’t hurt anyone, but many experts say that even if your child is in a picky phase, there’s no need to sneak Flintstone vitamins into their applesauce. “Even extremely fussy eaters grow normally,” Cohen says. “Your kids will eventually get what they need, even if it seems as if they’re subsisting on air and sunlight.”

Warm Milk Will Help You Fall Asleep.

The truth is: Milk contains small amounts of tryptophan (the same amino acid in turkey), “but you would have to drink gallons to get any soporific effect,” says Michael Breus, a clinical psychologist in Scottsdale, Arizona, who specializes in sleep disorders. “What is effective is a routine to help kids wind down,” he says. And if a glass of warm milk is part of the process, it can have a placebo effect, regardless of science.

5 foods people fear and how to get over it
The egg recall isn't the only reason many people avoid the breakfast food.
Like certain foods, some questions really strike a nerve.
The specific items that may have earned us the label of picky eater as a kid are now certifiably "gross" as adults. There's a freedom to not having to like or eat the things we hated as kids. But why don't we like them?  And why are some foods so remarkably unpopular?

in an online study these five foods were singled out the most:
  • Mushrooms
  • Raisins/dried fruits
  • Cheese
  • Eggs
  • Milk
As a member of Team I-Hate-Raisins, I wasn't surprised it made the list. But it was a revelation for some that the four other items imposed the same kind of gagging and cringing. In particular mushrooms; some people probably asked themselves stuff like: how could one of my favorite foods inspire such collective nausea? "People have a real aversion to things that they think of as fungus or bacteria," explains nutritionist Sondra Kronberg. "Mushrooms are technically a fungus, so it makes sense someone would equate it with germs and growths. Maybe even subconsciously they think they'll contract a fungus from the food."

That fear of cultures and bacteria may also explain why cheese had a presence in the comments. "It feels like it's milk gone bad or it's not wholesome for some people," says Kronberg, who treats patients for food phobia as Founder/Nutritional Director of Eating Disorder Associates Treatment & Referral Centers and Eating Wellness Programs.

That makes sense but then how do you explain milk that's perfectly fresh? "Milk was something most of us were force fed as a child. We were raised on it, and if we didn't like the taste, we were still forced to drink it," she says. In a way we may be playing out an act of defiance.

Eggs have long been an unpopular food, but the recent egg recall is only fostering the aversion. "It's validating a lot of people's fears that eggs can make you sick," says Kronberg. But the fear of eggs for many runs deeper. "If you've ever cracked an egg with blood in it, you're reminded that it's actually a cell designed to develop into a living thing. That can turn a lot of people off." And it does.

The raisin phobia hits especially close to home as I used to not like them but now I just tolerate them but prefer other snacks, I’d blame it on the comic/ cartoon character Garfield who has an aversion to raisins but that wouldn’t be completely true. "They look like little poops or bugs," agrees Kronberg. "When you see a dark thing in a cereal that can even looks like it moves, it looks like something that shouldn't be in your food." She also connects the "dried-up" aspect of the fruit to something we're hard-wired to consider rotten.

So there you have it. I’m guessing people are thinking just don't give me raisins and no one gets hurt, right? Wrong. While some people with food aversions have mild reactions, others can have such strong reactions over time that it interrupts their lives. Common reactions to accidentally consuming food you hate ranges from gagging and headaches to vomiting and total panic attacks that can last for up to two days, according to Kronberg. The bigger the reaction, the more inflated your fear becomes. That's when an aversion turns into a full-fledged phobia.

People with even mild obsessive-compulsive traits can find themselves food-phobic, notes Kronberg. "It gives you a sense of control but when it gets inflated it can interrupt your life." Excuse the pun, but an aversion to one food can mushroom into a general fear of eating out, or a fear of eating an expanding  number of foods.

"When it interferes with your quality of life, you need to get help," she says. The truly phobic should seek professional treatment. But if you want to get over your own mild disgust before it becomes a bigger deal, there are some home remedies.

"Many food aversions have to do with texture. With these foods people don't mind the flavor when the texture is altered," says nutritionist Lauren Slayton, MS RD. "So one thing to do is alter the form of the food if texture is suspected. The take-home message is not to accept your aversions as gospel." If you hate the texture of beets or peas, puree them into a soup. If you find raw onions too slimy, try frying them up into crunchy rings.

"Other food dislikes, like stinky cheeses and plain yogurt, have to do with odor," says Slayton. "People with a more acute sense of smell can be prone to these aversions." In this case, Slayton advises sampling the product in question in small quantities. "Some people can handle a drop of crumbled feta but not a forkful," she says.

If your problem is more deeply rooted, try a little DIY-exposure therapy.  "You can do a version of exposure therapy where you confront your fear in a safe environment slowly and in a controlled setting," suggests Kronberg.

"First start by talking about the food and why it disgusts you. Then have someone explain how it's actually made and where it comes from," says Kronberg. This will help to dissociate the food with your own negative association. For example, learning the process of how grapes become raisins may thwart my brain's involuntary leap to imagining raisins coming from a Guinea Pig's behind.

The next step is picking up the food, touching it and smelling it. A gradual re-introduction to the food allows the eater to feel in control, a key to overcoming any phobia. Finally, Kronberg recommends a repetitive process of tasting, in my case, the dreadful raisin, and measuring the reaction with each tiny bite. "It's a kind of risk taking," says Kronberg. I believe it could work, but I'd rather jump out of an airplane.
Were going to take a quick break now but please don’t go anywhere because theres more to come.
Were back!  For those of you just tuning in this is food for thought on 88.9 KUCI in Irvine.
Whole Foods to Post Seafood Environmental Ratings

Whole Foods puts new seafood ratings in stores to help shoppers select sustainable fish.
Whole Foods Market Inc. is trying to clear some murky waters for seafood shoppers.
The grocery chain on Monday launched a new color-coded rating program -- with the help of Monterey Bay Aquarium and Blue Ocean Institute -- that measures the environmental impact of its wild-caught seafood.
The program is the latest in a series of moves by major grocers to change seafood policies as concern rises about overfishing and the environmental effects of certain fishing methods.
Similar to a stoplight, seafood is given a green, yellow or red rating. A green rating indicates the species is relatively abundant and is caught in environmentally friendly ways. Yellow means some concerns exist with the species' status or the methods by which it was caught. And a red rating means the species is suffering from overfishing, or the methods used to catch it harm other marine life or habitats.
The company, based in Austin, Texas, said it is the first national retailer to display such ratings.
Whole Foods said the program complements its wild-caught rating program with the Marine Stewardship Council, a certification program that addresses only a fraction of seafood sold. And it adds to the grocer's farmed seafood policies, which prohibit antibiotics and sulfates and set other standards.
"There has been a huge increase in attention and energy and enthusiasm (on sustainable seafood) from customers and buyers and fishermen," said Carrie Brownstein, coordinator of seafood quality standards for Whole Foods.
Target Corp. decided at the beginning of the year to stop carrying farmed salmon. Safeway Inc. stopped carrying overfished species, including grouper and monkfish.
A number of chains, including Wegman's and Aldi, have come up with new sustainable seafood policies. Retail behemoth Wal-Mart Stores Inc. dropped swordfish, shark and frozen orange roughy last year after cutting other controversial species previously.
After much pressure from environmental groups, Trader Joe's' announced this spring that it would sell only sustainable-sourced seafood by the end of 2012.
Whole Foods also announced Monday that it will end sales of red-rated species by Earth Day 2013. The company has already phased out a number of such products.
These moves are critical, wildlife and ocean advocates say, because about half the seafood purchased in the US comes from retailers.
"The industry has changed very rapidly," said Mike Sutton, vice president of Monterey Bay Aquarium. "When the consumer starts to care, it is the enlightened self-interest of businesses to care."
Monterey Bay Aquarium, considered one of the pre-eminent sources on seafood sustainability, developed pocket guides and cards that help consumers navigate the fish counter. It has distributed more than 40 million of the guides and similar cards over the past decade.
Navigating the seafood system is difficult for shoppers because it involves assessing the type of seafood, where it was fished, the method used and other specifics of the fisheries or farms.
Sutton said moves like this by major retailers and its partnerships with food suppliers such as Aramark and Compass Group can help make a significant impact.
"You can't buy sustainable seafood if it isn't being sold," he said. "The decision that matter are not necessarily the decisions of you and me, but the big seafood buyers."
Bon Appétit Names America's Foodiest Towns 2010
Each year, Bon Appétit brings you a report on the nation's top food towns. Restaurant editor Andrew Knowlton scours the country to find towns with the most inspired culinary culture, and this year he crowned Boulder as "America's Foodiest Town 2010."

The criteria:

Small towns (fewer than 250,000 people) or with a small-town feel, quality farmers' markets, concerned farmers, dedicated food media, first-rate restaurants, talented food artisans, and a community of food lovers. These are the towns where we'd like to go to dinner, and so much more.

Here's the run-down on why Boulder took home the title, plus a look at five runner-up destinations for the food-obsessed. Click through to see if your hometown made the list.

Boulder, Colorado

Boulder has won just about every shiny happy lifestyle award a city can: Healthiest, Most Educated, Most Bicycle-Friendly--the list goes on. And this year, it can add one more: Bon Appetit's Foodiest Town in America. Along with having fit, smart, and eco-conscious citizens, Boulder is home to a number of innovative food companies (Celestial Seasonings, Izze Beverage Company, and Bhakti Chai), top-tier restaurants, and one of the best farmers' markets in the country.

McMinnville, Oregon

Next year marks the 25th anniversary of the International Pinot Noir Celebration--a one-of-a-kind event held each July in the heart of Williamette Valley wine country. Don't miss Thistle restaurant, where owners Eric Bechard and Emily Howard are dedicated to using local ingredients.

Big Sur, California

In the midst of a 90-mile stretch of protected wilderness along California's Central Coast, this town is home to jaw-dropping scenery, award-winning hotels, and three of the quirkiest restaurants in the West: Big Sur Bakery & Restaurant, Deetjen's Big Sur Inn and Restaurant, and Nepenthe. And be sure to order seconds when you visit Big Sur--surfing, hiking, and cycling are nearby to help burn calories.

Traverse City, Michigan

They had us at "cherries"--this Lake Michigan town is the host of the annual National Cherry Festival. But there's even more to love here: Mario Batali (who owns a nearby vacation home) is a cheerleader for the area, sophisticated restaurants like Trattoria Stella are booming, and must-see Black Star Farms is part winery, part creamery, part inn, and part farm in Leelanau Peninsula wine country.

Louisville, Kentucky

For three years this bourbon-producing city with a soft spot for Community Supported Agriculture has made our runners-up list--no small feat. And the scene just keeps getting better: The restaurant lineup continues to mature, and there's a new generation producing artisanal foods.

Ithaca, New York

From the largely organic Ithaca Farmers' Market to the groundbreaking vegetarian Moosewood Restaurant to a sundae (purportedly invented in Ithaca) made with Cornell Dairy ice cream, there's something for everyone. It's also the gateway to the Finger Lakes wine region.
7 Sleep-Stealing Foods to Stay Away From
If you find yourself tossing and turning at night, your dinner could be to blame. Our esteemed panel of nutritionists and dieticians list out seven foods that keep you up past your bedtime. For a list of foods that will put you to sleep I’ll have one next week hopefully.
You've known this guy for years. He's gotten you through countless all-nighters and pepped you up for that 8 a.m. Monday morning presentation. But did you know that caffeine isn't actually giving your body any energy? "Though caffeine does provide us with that
feeling of alertness, it's just a stimulant," says Michelle Dudash, registered dietician, chef, and freelance writer.
Aged Cheese
If a nap is in your future, steer clear of
Parmesan, Romano, Asiago, and other hard cheeses (basically, all the yummy smelly ones!). The high levels of the amino acid tyramine are known to keep you up.

Spicy Foods
Hot tamale! Those hot wings may taste damn good during the football game, but they aren't going to feel so great come bedtime — especially if you're prone to heartburn, since lying down only amps up its side. Make sure you eat your favorite hot foods early enough in the day to
prevent a sleepless night later.

Processed or Smoked Meats
Leave this one on the deli counter. Cynthia Pasquella, CCN, CHLC, CWC, says processed meats contain high levels of tyramine and makes the brain release a chemical that
makes us feel alert. These meats also aren't the healthiest ones to munch on either, sleep patterns aside.

Even though it's a depressant, alcohol will, oddly enough, keep you up at night. "Many people use alcohol to help them relax, but it actually prevents your body from entering the
deep stages of sleep," says Pasquella. Although you may fall asleep, you won't feel very well-rested in the morning.

Milk Chocolate
The average milk chocolate bar contains tyrosine, which is converted into dopamine — a stimulant, says Pasquella. This causes alertness and restlessness, which can keep you up at night.

Ginseng Tea
Herbal teas are great for sleeping, but steer clear of ginseng. It's been shown to act as a stimulant, and though some
tea drinkers don't feel any effects from the tea, others experience insomnia and hypertension. If you might fall in this category, avoid drinking it several hours before bed, recommends Pasquella.

The Chocolate Milk Diet

Imagine if everything you needed to know about weight loss, you learned in kindergarten. Well, if your teacher gave you chocolate milk as a lunchtime treat, she was (unknowingly) giving you one of the most powerful weight-loss tools in the nutritional universe. Turns out this childhood staple may be the ideal vehicle for your body’s most neglected nutritional needs. Each bottle delivers a package of micro- and macronutrients that can help you shake off body flab and replace it with firm muscle. And when you served it ice-cold, the creamy sweetness flows across your tongue with all the pleasure of a milk shake. Yum.
That’s the crux of what I'm calling "The Chocolate Milk Diet," which isn’t a diet at all. It’s essentially three eight-ounce servings of chocolate milk consumed at key points throughout your day: one when you wake up, a second before you exercise, and a third directly after your workout. Or, if it's your day off, just pattern them for morning, afternoon, and night. Sounds good, right? It is, and that’s why it’s so easy. But is this a free ticket to eat as much fried chicken as you want throughout the rest of the day? Unfortunately not, but alongside a healthy diet, it can help you drop lots of belly fat fast. Here are the four reasons why:
Secret #1: The Calcium Effect
Researchers have known for years about the role that calcium plays in building strong bones, but a more recent development deals with they way it affects your belly. A series of studies have shown that calcium can actually impede your body’s ability to absorb fat, and when researchers in Nebraska analyzed five of these studies, they were able to estimate that consuming 1,000 mg more calcium can translate to losing nearly 18 pounds of flab. What’s more, other studies have shown that dairy foods offer the most readily absorbable calcium you can find. Knock back three servings of brown cow and you’ll reach that crucial 1,000 mg threshold. At that point, any other calcium that you eat or drink is a bonus.

Bonus Tip: Everything is not as it seems in the world of fat and calories.  You'll be shocked by the pounds of fat you may unwittingly gain while thinking that you're eating healthy.

Secret #2: The Vitamin D Factor
All the calcium in the world isn’t going to help you if you don’t get a good dose of vitamin D to go with it. That’s because vitamin D is responsible for moving calcium from your food to your body, which means if you’re running low on D, you’re probably also missing the calcium you need to stay slim. Other symptoms of the D deficiency are weak muscles, easily breakable bones, and depression—not a great combo for success. Now here’s why this is significant: Most experts agree that the average American isn’t getting enough D. Some estimate that only half the population is meeting the requirement and one study published in the journal Pediatrics found that 70 percent of American children had low levels of D in their diet. The thing is, your body makes vitamin D naturally when you expose your skin to sunlight, but most people spend too much time indoors to benefit. And intentionally spending more time in the sun could put you at risk for skin cancer. The solution? Drink up. Chocolate milk, like most milk, is fortified with vitamin D.
One caveat here: Drink 1% chocolate milk. Vitamin D won't work without a little fat to help break it down. You want to skip the whole milk, too, as it has too many calories to make it a regular habit. The best option is 1%, or low-fat chocolate milk. It has the fat you need to absorb crucial vitamins, yet at three cups a day, it will save you 120 calories over whole milk.

Secret #3: The Endurance Boost
If you want to lose the gut, you’ve got to exercise—no surprise there. But here’s a fact that’s not so obvious: Drinking chocolate milk can improve your gains. In a study published in The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism, subjects given chocolate milk before hopping on the stationary bikes were able to ride 49 percent longer than subjects given a generic carbohydrate-replacement beverage. And on top of that, they pedaled even harder. Total work performed by the chocolate-milk group was greater than the work performed by subjects drinking carbohydrate-replacement drinks or electrolyte-fortified sports drinks. The reason? Milk has naturally occurring electrolytes that keep you hydrated—more hydrated then water, in fact, and its natural sweetness helps push more energy into your muscles. Another study from 2009 found similar results, but it went one step further by asking participants which beverage they thought tasted better. Not surprisingly, 100% chose chocolate milk.

Secret #4: The Protein-Body-Weight Connection
Want to know the secret to staying thin? You need more muscle. That’s because muscle burns more calories than fat, so for every new muscle fiber you create, your resting metabolism receives another surge of fat-torching energy. And chocolate milk can help you do that. Researchers have determined that the ideal protein load for building muscle is 10 to 20 grams, half before and half after your workout. How much protein will you find in low-fat chocolate milk? Eight grams per cup. (That means one serving before your workout and one serving after will give you a total of 16 grams of highly effective whey protein—a perfect serving.) Add that to the extra cup you drank first thing in the morning and you’re looking at a turbocharged metabolism that keeps you burning calories all day long.
Well that’s the show, thanks for listening.  If my show is renewed then I’ll see you next week if not then I’ll talk to you some other time.  All right next is the oc show which for those of you that don’t know is a political show so farewell and happy Yom Kippur, this is Greg, over and out!

Food 11

This is 88.9 KUCI in Irvine!
Anything said on this show in no way reflects the views of the University of California Irvine or the UC regents.

Hello!  Thanks for taking the time out of you’re busy schedules to listen to me.  Welcome to Food for Thought on 88.9 KUCI in Irvine.  Today I’m going to talk really softly really close to the microphone, can you hear me? Yeah, it’ll be like I’m whispering right into you’re ears This kind of makes me think of sometimes when I’m watching tv, and theres some kind of romantic scene and the woman is saying to the man to whisper sweet nothings into her ear, and I think that if that were me I’d would go up to her ear and say in a whisper… nothing!  Okay trying to talk softly time is over, semi regular voice now.  I say semi because usually except for Fridays at this time my regular voice is this… get it? I don’t talk very much outside this show.  First up for today…

25 things chefs never tell you

Do restaurants recycle the bread basket? Are most of us bad tippers? Food Network Magazine surveyed chefs across the country — anonymously — to find out everything we’ve always wanted to know.
Chefs are pickier than you think.
Liver, sea urchin, tofu, eggplant, and oysters, of all things, topped the list of foods chefs hate most. Only 15% of chefs surveyed said they’d eat absolutely anything.
Still, chefs hate picky eaters.
More than 60% said requests for substitutions are annoying. Some of their biggest pet peeves: When customers pretend to be allergic to an ingredient, and when vegetarians make up rules, like “a little chicken stock is OK.”
When eating out in other restaurants, chefs say they avoid pasta and chicken.
Why? These dishes are often the most overpriced (and least interesting) on the menu. Said one chef, “I won’t pay $24 for half a chicken breast.” Said another, “I want something I can’t make myself.”
Chefs have expensive taste.
The restaurant chefs most often cited as the best in the country was The French Laundry in California’s Napa Valley. It ought to be — dinner there is $240 per person, before wine.
...and yet they like fast food.
Their favorite chain: Wendy’s. Culinary degrees aren’t necessarily the norm. Just half the chefs surveyed graduated from a cooking school. The rest got their training the old-fashioned way, by working their way up through the kitchen ranks.
Critics trump movie stars in the VIP pecking order.
A whopping 71% of chefs said they give special treatment to restaurant critics when they spot them; only 63% do the same for celebrities. Making out in the bathroom is old news. More than half of the chefs have found customers kissing — and much more — in the restaurant loo.
Roaches are more common than you think.
Yes, 75% of chefs said they’ve seen roaches in the kitchen. And yet, chefs swear their kitchens are clean. On a scale of 1 to 10, 85% of chefs ranked their kitchens an 8 or higher for cleanliness.
Only 13% of chefs have seen a cook do unsavory things to a customer’s food.
The most unbelievable tale: “Someone once ran a steak through a dishwasher after the diner sent it back twice. Ironically, the customer was happy with it then.”
Your bread basket might be recycled.
Three chefs admitted that uneaten bread from one basket goes right into another one.
Chefs work hard for low pay.
The chefs we surveyed work between 60 and 80 hours a week and almost all of them work holidays. Sixty-five percent reported making less than $75,000 a year. Waiters take home an average of $662 a week, often tax free.
“Vegetarian” is open to interpretation.
About 15% of chefs said their vegetarian dishes might not be completely vegetarian. Beware if you’re one of those super-picky vegan types: One chef reported seeing a cook pour lamb’s blood into a vegan’s primavera.
Paying for a last-minute reservation probably won’t work.
Only one chef said bribes will help you score a table when the restaurant is fully booked; he suggested “promising to buy a bottle of Dom Pérignon or Opus One.” A better bet: Being buddies with the chef.
Menu “specials” are often experimental dishes.
Contrary to popular belief — that specials are just a chef’s way of using up old ingredients — most chefs said they use specials to try out new ideas or serve seasonal ingredients. Only five chefs admitted that they try to empty out the fridge with their nightly specials.
The appropriate tip is 20%...
That’s what chefs leave when they eat out, and it’s the amount they think is fair.
...unless the service is really poor.
An astounding 90% of chefs said it’s fair to penalize bad waiters with a smaller tip.
That rule about not ordering fish on Sunday might be worth following.
Several chefs warned, “We don’t get fresh deliveries on Sunday.”
Chefs hate working on New Year’s Eve more than any other holiday.
Valentine’s Day was a close second, but don’t take that to mean chefs aren’t romantic: 54% of those surveyed said they like it when couples get engaged in their restaurant.
They secretly want to be Alton or Giada.
Nearly 60% of chefs said they’d want their own cooking show.
Chefs cook when they’re sick.
It’s a long-standing tradition in the restaurant industry: Cooks report to duty unless they’re practically hospitalized. Half of those we surveyed said they come to work sick, and they stay there through injuries, too. Many chefs have cut themselves on the job, gone to get stitches, and returned to work to finish out the night. Accidents definitely happen: Almost every chef we surveyed has been injured on the job in some way, and several chefs said they’re missing parts of their fingers.
The five-second rule actually applies.
A quarter of the chefs surveyed said they’d pick up food that dropped on the floor and cook it.
Your waiter is trying to influence your order.
Almost every chef surveyed (95%) said he or she urges servers to steer customers toward specific dishes on the menu each night.
Restaurants mark up wine by a lot more than you might expect.
Most chefs said that a bottle on their wine list costs 2½ times what the same one would cost in a wine store.
There’s a reason so many restaurants serve molten chocolate cake.
More than 75% of chefs said they take inspiration from other restaurant menus.
Next topic for today: Food trucks: not just ice cream trucks or for construction workers, anymore.
You’ve probably seen the food network show with the cool looking food trucks with the awesome paint jobs, trying to sell really cool foods that you probably picture being sold in a trendy restaurant but never being sold in a food truck right?  Well it seems that food trucks are becoming increasingly popular, now some familiar restaurant chains are starting to get in on the trend and are buying brightly painted food trucks and parading them around various towns trying to get customers.  In Los Angeles well established and upscale restaurants like Canter’s Deli which has been a permanent fixture on Fairfax avenue since 1931 is now serving potato pancakes, and matzo ball soup from a truck, and the borders grill restaurants also have two truck of their own serving gourmet tamales in paper cups to try and make it more convenient for pedestrian customers to eat.
If you’re looking for something more sweet to eat then the sprinkles cupcake chain added a truck as a new addition to it’s chain of stores last year.
Fatburger franchises have seven trucks on order to use in the US, and over seas thought I wasn’t aware the Fat burger had franchises in other countries. Johnny Rockets has one in Washington DC with plans for more around the country.
These mobile kitchens from established restaurants are nosing into line alongside vehicles run by renegade chefs, when I hear or read the words renegade chef I imagine some sort of action movie or TV show It would make a cool title to a movie.  Any way the restaurant chain trucks are offering food designed in corporate kitchens to compete with the wild and crazy offerings that have created buzz among foodies from coast to coast.
Culver City based Sizzler USA has ordered one truck to start an hopes to put more on the streets if it’s successful Sizzler will supposedly be trying to come up with types of food to offer during the 10 week period it will take to outfit the truck, some of the possibilities include their steaks dishes, fish and chips, and tri-tip sandwiches.
Catering trucks have long been lunch, and break time fixtures at factories, offices, and construction sites that didn’t have restaurants nearby.  The food of course wasn’t gourmet quality, usually stuff like instant ramen, or regular hot dogs, and chips, and soda.  Or they were ice cream trucks that catered to kids, and ice cream loving teens, college students like me, and adults.  There weren’t really any ice cream trucks in my neighbor hood since they seem to hang around lower income areas but whenever I was in a park or at a high school cross country meet I would go and get something. 
These catering trucks, and Ice cream trucks of course was the origins of the food truck but then the image was turned on it’s head in 2008 when chef Roy Choi hit the streets of LA with Kogi offering high-end combinations of Korean, Mexican and other ethnic foods.
Today about 4,000 food trucks are licensed to do business in LA county.  Roughly about 115 are the ones that are considered gourmet run by ambitious, and innovative renegade chefs that offer unique, and unusual foods and use twitter to let customers know where they’re parking on any given time, and day.  Which of course is why they’re popularity is on the rise since they’re new chef’s can use them to show they’re talent since it’s harder to be recognized when you’re working in the back of a restaurant with a bunch of other chefs while in a food truck the kitchen is right there and people can see you and there’s probably less people working with you, and if business is slow you can drive somewhere else. Food trucks allow also restaurants to bring food to people in congested areas or places that can’t support an actual stationary restaurant.  Though many of the independent, and renegade chefs with independent trucks eventually hope go mainstream and start their own actual restaurants which will probably sell the same things that they sell on their trucks plus more
The trend of course as I mentioned before has gone national thanks to the food network reality show where the seven teams drive around the country to make the best food and win over the most customers.  And since there seems to be a lot of benefits to this style of restaurant it’ll be here to stay at least for a decade or so.
Last week the California restaurant association held a meeting in Sacramento for restaurant owners and food truck owners.  The goal was to settle some tensions between the two factions since the restaurants see the trucks as siphoning off business.  But the other goal was to help get those restaurants into the truck business since they’re probably just jealous because they don’t have trucks.
The president of the restaurant association Jot Condie said that launching a truck is cheaper than setting up a stationary restaurant.  So a company that wanted to expand into a new town could send a truck there first to see if the residents like it or not.  Kind of like sending a spy or a scout to get info on the town.
This obviously means that for people in the food truck making industry, business is booming.  Arthur Djahani whose family owns Armenco Catering truck  Manufacturing in sun valley said that these days he receives 50-100 inquiries a week up from about only a dozen a week before the trend 2 years ago.  This is the company that’s making the truck for sizzler and has fielded inquiries from representatives of Shakey’s pizza, Poquito Mas, Johnny Rockets, and Koo Koo Roo.  Elma Eaton, co-owner of California Cart builder in Lake Elsinore said her company has out fitted 70 custom trucks over the last 18 months, putting in stoves, ovens, and cash registers.  This is the company that made seven for a fat burger franchise in Dubai, and the subway restaurants in Arizona.
Soon Southern California will be full of food trucks ranging from cheap non gourmet food to very high end exotic gourmet foods, and people in Southern California will be able to buy barbecued beef from a sizzler truck or a foot long from subway.
We’ll be right back after a short break… Welcome back everyone!  For those of you just tuning in this is food for thought on 88.9 KUCI.  We just talked about some thing’s chef’s won’t tell you, and food phobias Now here’s…

Food expiration dates: What do they really mean?

Are you one of those people who pour the milk down the drain on the expiration date?
Expiration dates on food products can protect consumer health, but those dates are really more about quality than safety, and if not properly understood, they can also encourage consumers to discard food that is perfectly safe to eat.
A recent poll of more than 2,000 adults showed that most of us discard food we believe is unsafe to eat, which is a good thing, of course, but it is important that we understand what food expiration dates mean before we dump our food -- and our money -- down the drain or into the garbage. On average, in the U.S. we waste about 14% of the food we buy each year. The average American family of four throws out around $600 worth of groceries every year. 
Which five foods are most often feared as being unsafe after the printed date? According to, we are most wary of milk, cottage cheese, mayonnaise, yogurt, and eggs, and the site offers these helpful explanations:
·         Milk: If properly refrigerated, milk will remain safe, nutritious, and tasty for about a week after the sell-by date and will probably be safe to drink longer than that, though there’s a decline in nutritional value and taste.
·         Cottage cheese: Pasteurized cottage cheese lasts for 10-14 days after the date on the carton.
·         Mayonnaise: Unopened, refrigerated Kraft mayonnaise can be kept for 30 days after its expiration date or 3-4 months after opening, the company told ShelfLifeAdvice.
·         Yogurt: Yogurt will remain good 7-10 days after its sell-by date.
·         Eggs: Properly refrigerated eggs should last at least 3-5 weeks after the sell-by date, according to Professor Joe Regenstein, a food scientist at Cornell University. Note: Use of either a sell-by or expiration (EXP) date is not federally required, but may be state required, as defined by the egg laws in the state where the eggs are marketed.

The “Use-By” Date
The “use-by” or “best if used-by” date indicates the last day that the item is at its best quality as far as taste, texture, appearance, odor, and nutritional value. The decline after that is gradual. The use-by date refers to product that has not yet been opened.

The “Sell By” Date
The “sell by” date is not really a matter of food safety, but a notice to stores that the product should be taken off the shelf because it will begin to decline in quality after that date.

The Law
From the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA): “Product dating is not generally required by federal regulations. However, if a calendar date is used, it must express both the month and day of the month (and the year, in the case of shelf-stable and frozen products). If a calendar date is shown, immediately adjacent to the date must be a phrase explaining the meaning of that date such as "sell-by" or "use before."
There is no uniform or universally accepted system used for food dating in the United States. Although dating of some foods is required by more than 20 states, there are areas of the country where much of the food supply has some type of open date and other areas where almost no food is dated.”

Food-Borne Illness
Cross-contamination and unsanitary conditions are a primary cause of food-related illnesses, whether it occurs in the home or in a restaurant, and this is independent of any expiration date. The leading culprits are:
·         Improper hand-washing prior to food preparation.
·         Storing food at the wrong temperature.
·         Cooking food to an inadequate temperature.
·         Cross-contamination (raw meats that come into contact with salads, for instance).
·         Improper washing of fresh produce.

The Yuck Factor: Common Sense Approach to Food Safety
Aside from any expiration date or lack thereof, if a food item is moldy or if it smells and looks spoiled, err on the side of caution. If it makes you say, “yuck,” throw it away.

Honey Is…

Honey is honey, it’s just that simple.  A bottle of pure honey contains the natural sweet substance produced by honey bees from the nectar of plants or secretions of living parts of plants.  Nothing else.
When scientists begin to look for all of the elements found in this wonderful product of nature, they find a complex of naturally flavored sugars as well as trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Honey is made by bees in one of the world’s most efficient facilities, the beehive.  The 60,000 or so bees in a beehive may collectively travel as much as 55,000 miles and visit more than two million flowers to gather enough nectar to make just a pound of honey!
The color and flavor of honey differ depending on the bees’ nectar source (the blossoms).  In fact, there are more than 300 unique kinds of honey in the United States, originating from such diverse floral sources as Clover, Eucalyptus and Orange Blossoms.  In general, lighter colored honeys are mild in flavor, while darker honeys are usually more robust in flavor.

The Delicious Forms of Honey

Most of us know honey as a sweet, golden liquid. However, honey can be found in a variety of forms.
  • Comb Honey - Comb honey is honey in its original form; that is, honey inside of the honeycomb.  The beeswax comb is edible!
  • Cut Comb - Cut comb honey is liquid honey that has added chunks of the honey comb in the jar. This is also known as a liquid-cut comb combination.
  • Liquid Honey - Free of visible crystals, liquid honey is extracted from the honey comb by centrifugal force, gravity or straining. Because liquid honey mixes easily into a variety of foods, it’s especially convenient for cooking and baking. Most of the honey produced in the United States is sold in the liquid form.
  • Naturally Crystallized Honey - Naturally crystallized honey is honey in which part of the glucose content has spontaneously crystallized.  It is safe to eat.
  • Whipped (or Cremed) Honey - While all honey will crystallize in time, whipped honey (also known as cremed honey) is brought to market in a crystallized state. The crystallization is controlled so that, at room temperature, the honey can be spread like butter or jelly. In many countries around the world, whipped honey is preferred to the liquid form especially at breakfast time.

Honey Color and Flavor

Honey is normally bought and sold in one of two ways: by variety or by color.  Most consumers, whether buying honey in a supermarket, at a farmer’s market, or directly from a beekeeper, will typically buy either a blend of pure honeys, the so-called Supermarket Store Brands or a particular honey varietal, such as the most common of all the varietals, Clover Honey.  The color and flavor of many honeys are linked; that is, the darker the honey, the more apt it is to taste stronger and more robust. The lighter colored honeys are usually more delicate and sweeter in flavor.  Sometimes people shop for a honey varietal simply because they like the flavor or it reminds them of the kind of honey they had when growing up or they like to impress their friends with a unique treasure!  Overall, these customers like the delicious flavors of honey; the color is irrelevant to them.
However industrial users, such as bakers, food processors, and beverage makers, will often buy honey by color.  Industrial users are typically driven by ingredient cost. The industrial users will often contact a major honey packer (bottler) and buy in large totes or 55 gallon drums.  While they want pure honey in the formulas, of course, they want the honey as an ingredient more for labeling purposes than for variety.  In addition, the functional aspects of the honey, for example, as an ingredient used in baking, doesn’t much change if the honey is light or dark.  Honey is hygroscopic and attracts moisture to the bread or dessert – a very valuable trait in baking.  Generally speaking a very light colored honey is much more expensive than a dark honey.  The baking company may specify a darker color grade such as amber honey, rather than a lighter colored honey such as a water-white honey.
A question that is often asked is how industrial grade honey is “made?”  Most people understand how bees will visit a particular field of flowers to get a certain variety, e.g. Sage honey, but they can’t quite understand how an Extra Light Amber color of honey is found.  Actually, the answer is rather simple. 
Many commercial beekeepers, rather than keeping track of to what flowers their bees might go, are simply content to collect whatever honey the bees bring in at the end of a season.  It’s a little more scientific than that, of course, but at the end of the season or month, or whatever the time period, the honey is collected and graded by color. 
One last quick point: we are amazed at the fact that there are more than 300 varieties of honey found in the United States.  However, only a small percentage of those honeys are popular.  It sometimes takes more of an effort to market a particular variety, e.g. Huajillo or Sunflower, than to simply collect those honeys and grade them into amber and extra light amber honey for industrial usage.

Honey Products

Honey products do not meet the compositional criteria for pure honey, but are products consisting in whole or in part of honey.
  • Dried Honey - Dried honey is honey that has been dehydrated over very high heat, then mixed with starches or sugars to keep it free-flowing. It is not true honey.
  • Flavored/Fruited Honey – Flavored or Fruited honey is honey that has either fruit, coloring or flavoring added. Though the fruits or flavoring may be quite delicious it is not pure.
  • Infused Honey - Infused honey is honey that has had flavors of herbs, spices, peels, etc. added to it by steeping.
Specially Certified Honey
  • Kosher Honey - Kosher honey is honey that is produced, processed and packaged in accordance with Jewish dietary regulations and certified by a Kosher organization.
  • Organic Honey - Organic honey is honey that is produced, processed and packaged in accordance with USDA regulations on organic products and certified by a USDA certified agency or organization.

The Many Benefits of Honey

In addition to being a great natural sweetener, honey has a multitude of benefits that many people don’t know about.  Have you ever had an unrelenting sore throat? Honey has been proven to be a natural throat soother! Are you an athlete looking for a natural energy boost before the big game? Honey’s unique blend of natural sweeteners gives it the ability to provide quick energy in any circumstance. This section of the Web site will allow you to further explore these and other benefits of honey, and will also be a source for nutrition facts on this pure, natural sweetener.


Honey Is A Sweet Treat For Skin
Manufacturers have used honey in everything from hand lotions and moisturizers to bar soaps and bubble baths. One reason they use honey is for its wholesome, all-natural image; more and more consumers are demanding cosmetics and personal care products made from natural ingredients. In the case of honey, however, image is just the beginning.
First, honey is a humectant, which means it attracts and retains moisture. This makes honey a natural fit in a variety of moisturizing products including cleansers, creams, shampoos and conditioners. It’s also got some anti-microbial properties.
Look for honey in store-bought beauty products or simply add a squeeze of honey to your moisturizer, shampoo or soap at home.  For some extra pampering, try whipping up a simple recipe yourself.
We also recommend the following tips for keeping skin at its pure and natural best.
  • Protect Skin from the Sun: Use sunblock every day - not just when it’s sunny. Apply sunscreen 30 to 40 minutes before exposure to allow active ingredients to begin working.
  • Cleanse Twice Daily: Cleansing in the morning removes waste excreted during the skin’s nocturnal self-cleansing process. In the evening, it ensures removal dirt, oil and makeup.
  • Get Adequate Sleep: Your skin will tell you if you’re sleep deprived. Without adequate sleep, your body can’t restore and repair itself. Not only will you live longer, your skin will look better, too!
  • Reduce Stress: Stress ages body tissue - especially skin tissue. Exercise, massage therapy, yoga, aromatherapy and meditation are highly effective against stress.

Natural Energy

Honey… Natural Energy
Honey is also a rich source of carbohydrates, providing 17 grams per tablespoon, which makes it ideal for your working muscles since carbohydrates are the primary fuel the body uses for energy. Carbohydrates are necessary in the diet to help maintain muscle glycogen, also known as stored carbohydrates, which are the most important fuel source for athletes to help them keep going. 
Whether you’re looking for an energy boost or just a sweet reward after a long workout, honey is a quick, easy, and delicious all-natural energy source!
Honey as an Athletic Aid
Pre-exercise: For years, sports nutritionists have recommended eating carbohydrates before an athletic activity for an added energy boost.  As with many carbohydrates, pure honey may be an effective form to ingest just prior to exercise. When honey is eaten before a workout or athletic activity, it is released into the system at a steady rate throughout the event.
During Exercise: Consuming carbohydrates, such as honey, during a workout helps your muscles stay nourished longer and delays fatigue, versus not using any aid or supplement. Next time you reach for a simple bottle of water, add some honey to it – it might give you that much-needed athletic boost!
Post-exercise: An optimal recovery plan is essential for any athlete. Research shows that ingesting a combination of carbohydrates and protein immediately following exercise (within 30 minutes) is ideal to refuel and decrease delayed-onset muscle soreness. Therefore, honey is a great source of carbohydrate to combine with post-workout protein supplements.  In addition to promoting muscle recuperation and glycogen restoration, carb-protein combinations sustain favorable blood sugar concentrations after training.
Usage Tips
When planning your athletic training program, remember that honey is a rich source of carbohydrates, providing 17 grams at just 64 calories per tablespoon. Combining honey with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains and other healthful foods can add to your total nutrition and give you a great natural energy boost. Try these tips to fuel your diet with the sweet goodness of honey!
  • Staying hydrated is one of the most important tools for an athlete. Simply add honey to your bottle of water for an energy boost during your next workout.
  • Snacks are a great way to add extra fruits and vegetables to your diet. Try mixing peanut butter and honey, or honey and light cream cheese, as a dip for fresh fruits or vegetables.
  • Peanut butter and honey sandwiches on whole wheat bread are a great, high-energy snack to provide a good combination of carbohydrates, protein and fat.
  • Since honey is a convenient, portable source of energy, take it with you for tournaments and long periods of activity to help sustain your energy levels.

Natural Throat Soother

Honey has been used as a home remedy for centuries to help alleviate some of the symptoms associated with a common cold. According to the American Association of Family Physicians, many things can cause a sore throat. These include infections with viruses, such as colds and flu; sinus drainage; allergies; or cigarette smoking, among others. Sore throats caused by bacteria such as streptococci, are usually treated with antibiotics. Always check with your doctor if you have a fever, or if symptoms continue for more than a few days.
Time is the most important healer of sore throats caused by viruses, but for relief of the irritating symptoms, try a spoonful of honey to soothe and coat your throat. Take a spoonful straight, as often as you need, to relieve the irritation. In between, keep up your liquids with a steaming cup of tea sweetened with honey. For added vitamin C, try mixing in orange, grapefruit or lemon juice.
A new study by a Penn State College of Medicine research team found that honey may offer parents an effective and safe alternative to over-the-counter cough medicine. The study found that a small dose of buckwheat honey given before bedtime provided better relief of nighttime cough and sleep difficulty in children than no treatment or dextromethorphan (DM), a cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cold medications.
Be aware, of course, that honey should not be fed to infants under one year of age. Honey is a safe and wholesome food for older children and adults.

Nutrition Facts

Honey is composed primarily of carbohydrates (natural sugars) and water, as well as trace enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids. Providing 17 grams of carbohydrates and 64 calories per tablespoon, honey is an all-natural sweetener without any added ingredients.
Honey also contains a variety of flavonoids and phenolic acids, which act as antioxidants, scavenging and eliminating free radicals. Generally, darker honeys have higher antioxidant content than lighter honeys.
For a complete nutrient listing, please visit USDA’s National Nutrient Database,

Well that’s our show thanks for tuning in and listening! Up next is the OC show so you can stay tuned if you want.  As for me, I’m out of here!